Our passion is bringing the very best and freshest seasonings, salts and sauces to our customers.

We source much of our products from local farmers.

Hi my name is Teresa Young and I am the president and owner of this awesome company. In 2008 after ovarian and breast cancer, I was told I would need to be on meds for the rest of my life. I refused to let this happen and decided I would change my diet and fix myself. I started reading labels and noticed a lot of seasonings had stuff in them I didn’t need to have. So I developed my first seasoning which I shared with many of my friends and family. As the years went by and my love with cooking for others grew I developed more seasonings. In April 2020 I launched Aunties Seasoning to bring our blends to others so they can also eat tasty food like my family and friends eat.


Just like family, we value our community!

Jewell’s Jelly & Jams